You Are Not Alone
We live in tough times, and during these times, it falls on businesses like ours and our first responders who we, at vista memorial, value and assist whenever possible, to be of service to our communities. It begins with the simple, you are not alone. We are here to help you facilitate and organize the most difficult thing you may have to organize and we understand that. That's why we aim to make you feel like family when you walk in the door. Death and dying can bring out the best and the worst in us, so let us try to help in any way we can. Our staff is standing by for you, and as you see from the slideshow below, we aim to give back to wherever possible! Support Local!

Grief, is defined as deep sorrow, especially when that grief is inspired by death. As you vacillate between the 5-7 stages of grief, shock & denial, pain & guilt, anger, bargaining, reflection depression, reconstruction and finally acceptance and hope, know that we understand the process. There are resources to be made available by hyperlink below, and if you need to, you should seek out whatever help you need. Grief is real and the way to cope is the opposite of peoples instinct which is isolation and loneliness. So ask for help if you need it!
The Grieving Process
The process is very layered, but very documented. The true grieving process won't truly begin until after the services, there's just too much chaos and sadness to do anything but just get through, and that's understandable, but as the dust settles there are many avenues to turn to, to get through the process, that is grief. You can turn to your local resources, community centers and spiritual leaders, in addition to online resources. Ask one of our professionals and we will try to aim you in the right direction.
Grief Counseling
Many people can't get though the grieving process on their own and that is totally ok. There is a wide network of people, both from a social level, like community centers, JCC's, spiritual centers, up to trained positions like social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists that are available to assist in the aftermath of losing someone, and don't feel bad that you may be one of those who needs a little extra help. If you can't find someone click the link below and someone will get back to you.